FLHS (June 20, 2023) – Congratulations to the 33 FLHS students who received their Seal of Biliteracy! The Seal of Biliteracy is an award given by the district in recognition of students who have studied and attained proficiency in two or more languages – one of which is English - by high school graduation. The students attained the seal in the following languages: Chinese, French, Georgian, Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish. In addition, five of the 33 students also earned the Trilingual Award. These students demonstrated proficiency in three languages. Mrs. Liliana Lopez, Supervisor of World Language, Music and ELL, presented each student with their Seal of Biliteracy Medals, the Trilingual Awards, and a bouquet of flowers. FLHS Principal Gorksi, John Corso (WP ELL teacher), Michelle Francis (FLHS ELL teacher), Brenda Gupta (Supervisor of Guidance and Wellness), and Liliana Lopez (Supervisor of WL, ELL and Music) attended the brief ceremony. Student Recipients: Roya Altan - Turkish Clara Baga - Turkish Fiona Boada - Spanish Cassidy Cauwels - Spanish Ryan Chen - Chinese and French Nikoloz Chkheidze - Russian and Georgian Veronica Chmigelski - Spanish Taha Ciftci - Turkish Sarah Dias - Spanish Jason Dong - Chinese Matthew Duran - Spanish Emre Erdem - Turkish Doni Freeman - French Gianna Garcia - Spanish Ashley Gomes - Portuguese Christina Hemsley - Spanish Reisuke Ikeda - Japanese Assaf Izhar - Hebrew Emily Lau - Chinese Yuma Okada - Japanese Alisa Polishchuk - French and Russian Karen Prado - French and Spanish Nicholas Ramirez - Spanish Dhruv Raut - Hindi Andrew Rozenblitz - French Pamela Taveras - Spanish Herberth Teixeira Barroso Neto - Portuguese Asha Thomas - Spanish Kristina Volosevich - French Peleg Wolfsohn - Hebrew Eren Yasar - Turkish Noa Yedidia - French and Hebrew Alex Zheng - Chinese
over 1 year ago, Fair Lawn High School
The Fair Lawn community came together to award over $134,000 to outstanding students of the FLHS Class of 2023! THANK YOU!!!
over 1 year ago, Fair Lawn High School
What an amazing vocal music concert last night! Tremendous group of seniors showing off their talent! VERY special thanks to Mr. Giresi for all his years of producing excellence on the FLHS stage!
over 1 year ago, Fair Lawn High School
group of students
FLHS Sophomore and Junior class had a blast on their class trip to Dorney Park! We hope everyone who came had a great time 🎡🎢
over 1 year ago, Fair Lawn High School
group of students
FLHS had its last general assembly of the year! We would like to recognize all homeroom representatives and executive committee members that made GA so special this year! Congrats to our incredible senior officers, and the newly elected 2023-2024 officers.
over 1 year ago, FLHS Student Government
students & Principal
Good Evening Fair Lawn Parents/Guardians, The Fair Lawn Board of Education is working with Strategic Educational Advantage (“SEA”) Search firm to assist it in identifying a Superintendent of Schools to lead the Fair Lawn Public Schools. As part of this process, SEA is seeking input from our families. Your input will help build the profile, characteristics, and experience the new superintendent will possess. We thank you for assisting and your participation in this process. You are invited to participate on Tuesday, June 13th at 7:30pm in the FLHS Auditorium so that you can provide feedback and hear about the timeline and process. Thank you for participating if you are able to make it. Sincerely, Ron Barbarulo, FL BOE President
over 1 year ago, FL Superintendent
FLHS alumni Class of 2021 visited Ms. Battaglia's AP Chemistry class. They shared insights about their experiences in STEM. Welcome back Tami (Harvard-Comp Sci), Chris (Villanova- Chem Engineering), Anthony (TCNJ- Mech Engineering) and Eric (Northeastern- Neuroscience)!!
over 1 year ago, Fair Lawn High School
students in classroom
FLHS welcomed the Class of 2027 from TJ and Memorial Middle Schools! These 8th graders got to see what FLHS life is all about! Shout out to Dr. B, Ms. Hayek, Ms. DeFuria, our student group leaders and HS and MS staff for a great day! And thanks to our FLHS PTA for the shirts!
over 1 year ago, Fair Lawn High School
What a way to kick off spring concert season! All our instrumental musicians playing in one night! The auditorium was packed! Extra special job done by Mr. Avidon and Ms. Finkelstein with all those moving parts! And @FairLawnFOM kept everyone well fed :)
over 1 year ago, Fair Lawn High School
students on stage
students on stage
students on stage
FLHS Hispanic Honor Society @flhsnhhs hosted their annual Hispanic Culture Night filled with dance lessons, good food, and fun games! Thank you to everyone who came to celebrate with us. Special shout-out to @alannemkovsky for being an incredible DJ!
over 1 year ago, Fair Lawn High School
students at a table
students dancing
students at table
students dancing
FLHS Masques present The Bookstore by @AdamSzymkowicz. Shows run all week! Shout out to Ms. Gormley, Mr. Downey and the amazing cast and crew! Special congrats to our seniors for all their performances over these past 4 years!
over 1 year ago, Fair Lawn High School
Mr. Cubellis', his wood shop students, along with Mr. Durso, the supervisor, collaborated with the NJSEA Meadowlands Research and Restoration Institute. The goal is to recreate habitat used by certain birds. Read more by following this link. https://meadowblog.net/2023/05/kearny-marsh-artificial-floating-island-initiative-taking-shape/
almost 2 years ago, Science & Engineering
Inspired by @csingleton__2, Zachary Vazquez shared his motivational message with the FLHS Equity Team to not let darkness cover your light. Zach talked about the impact his late friend, Carlos, had on his life. To see more, visit https://www.youtube.com/@zacharysjourney
almost 2 years ago, Fair Lawn High School
student presenting
The FLHS Senior Class Council invites the Fair Lawn Community to celebrate the Class of 2023 as seniors share their plans for Fall of 2023. Make sure to follow @FLHS2023Destinations on Instagram to see the latest posts!
almost 2 years ago, Fair Lawn High School
FLHS hosted little ones for Take Your Child to Work Day yesterday! We were so proud to host the children of our staff members! Shout out Ms. Carriere and Ms. LaGrotteria for organizing, and many more staff for working to make this a special, memorable day!
almost 2 years ago, Fair Lawn High School
group of children
FLHS’s Band and Orchestra program visited the @nyphil NY Philharmonic Orchestra. Had a private tour of historical artifacts and watched a live performance by world famous piano player, Sir Andras Schiff! Inspired for our concerts at FLHS in May!
almost 2 years ago, Fair Lawn High School
Thanks to @fairlawnlibrary for hosting a very special Holocaust Remembrance event, "Anti-Semitism, Then & Now," created by the FL Community Relations Advisory Committee in Partnership with @FairLawnSchools. We remember, we must never forget, so that Hate Has No Home in Fair Lawn!
almost 2 years ago, Fair Lawn High School
FLHS Art Honor Society students beautifying our community! Shout out to our talented student artists and advisors Ms. Zielinski and Ms. Healey. Looking good over at Dobrow! @flallsports @FLHSCUTTERS
almost 2 years ago, Fair Lawn High School
students painting
group students
Great sendoff last night for FLHS Indoor Percussion and Guard teams! FLIP is headed to WGI Worlds in Dayton, Ohio and Guard has finals down in Toms River. Proud of our performers, Director Szeinberg, Coach Levitan, their staffs and... our amazing @FairLawnFOM parents!
almost 2 years ago, Fair Lawn High School
Fair Lawn High School students had fun with our Spring Spirit Week! Theme days included Fair Lawn Apparel, Disney Day, Country vs. Country Club, Adam Sandler Day and Decades Day. Our administrators also joined in on the fun!
almost 2 years ago, Fair Lawn High School