Mrs. Paleos
French Teacher
Emergency Plans
Dear students,
It is best to be prepared for any kind of emergency, as we are seeing more and more this school year.
In the event that we have a break in communication via our Google Classroom, please follow these steps for class:
Adaptable for French 2, 4CP and 5H
1 - If we currently have a project underway, please go forward with any research, planning or design you have going.
2 - If we do not, please review our most recent prior texts from class (dictations, class notes, exercises), with a particular emphasis on vocabulary and structures you are still working on understanding (e.g., past participles, irregular forms, connecting words, etc). You may also refer to texts earlier in the marking period/year.
3 - If internet continues to be available to you, please access the sites we've used in class for new reading and audio material :
Link 1
Link 2
You are welcome to select the content that interests you most.
Please be sure to jot down questions, observations, insights that you have encountered along the way - we can share them in our next class.