English Courses
English 9H: This program is an enriched course for able students focusing upon analytical reading and discussion as taught thematically through the pursuit of great literature. Expository writing is the hallmark of this advanced class. Students practice process writing with emphasis given to strategies for higher thinking in reading, writing, shared inquiry and performance. A research paper is required. Prerequisite: Prerequisites apply, see your Guidance Counselor
English 9CP: This course teaches students to write effectively and correctly, to read accurately as well as critically, and to express in writing and in speech an understanding of all genres of world literature. Instruction emphasizes the writing process in a variety of modes, which include narratives, expository writing, creative writing, and a research paper. Grammar and vocabulary are taught within a reading/writing context.
English 9: This course parallels the English 9CP course in context but emphasizes the acquisition of reading and writing skills. The focus is placed on reading comprehension, vocabulary development and expository writing. Other skills include note taking, analysis of various literary genres and development of managerial skills in a multitask classroom.
English 10H: In addition to more stringent requirements in reading and writing assignments, Honors English 10 offers an in-depth study of the heritage of British and World literature. The program stresses extensive and intensive reading, creative and critical thinking, English usage and the mechanics of English, and performance assessment. Emphasis in writing is on the critical analysis of literature and the literary essay. Prerequisite: Prerequisites apply, see your Guidance Counselor
English 10CP: British and World literature is the focus of English 10CP. There is emphasis on writing strategies, vocabulary improvement, and performance assessment. The writing program stresses the writing process and offers students writing experiences in personal essays, journals, expository essays, and creative pieces.
English 10: This course parallels the English 10CP course in context but continues to emphasize the skills required for the effective use of standard English. Grammar, usage, content and structure in expository writing comprise the focus of this course with opportunities for literary analysis, creative writing and performance.
AP English 11 or 12 Language & Composition: This college-level course is a year-long analysis of important historical and contemporary fiction and nonfiction. The readings will challenge students to comprehend college-level texts and analyze what they have read using sophisticated rhetorical strategies. Students are encouraged to take the Advanced Placement Examination in literature. The course is aligned with our Grade 11 American Literature courses. Grade 12 students may take the course following English 11H. Prerequisite: Prerequisites apply; see your Guidance Counselor.
English 11H: This course concentrates upon major works of American literature studied within a historical context. There are more stringent requirements in writing skills. Emphasis is on critical analysis and the interpretation at a more sophisticated level. Rhetorical devices and uses of style are explored. Critical thinking skills and performance assessment are stressed, and expository and creative assignments are literature-based. Prerequisite: Prerequisites apply, see your Guidance Counselor.
English 11CP: In English 11CP, literature is studied in a thematic approach with an emphasis on American literature. Writing essays of critical analysis using the writing process continues to be stressed. Syntax and vocabulary development is part of that process. Creative work based on models from literature and performance assessment is also an integral part of the curriculum.
English 11: This course parallels the English 11CP course in context but continues to address the skills required for clarity of expression in both expository and creative writing. Grammar, usage, content and structure comprise the focus of this course with varied opportunities to explore the major themes of American literature.
English 12 and English 12 CP: English 12 CP takes a thematic approach to canonical texts in addition to relevant nonfiction texts. Classroom activities support these themes through critical thinking, analysis, problem-solving, writing, and performance assessment. English 12 parallels the English 12CP course in context but continues to emphasize the essay structure and expression of ideas with clarity and purpose.
English 12 CP or English 12 Honors as Senior Topics I or 1H:
Comedy in Literature and Culture: Offered at the CP or Honors level, this semester course is paired with Madness in Literature. It explores the role of comedy and humor in literature, as well as in the contemporary American "pop" culture. Students will consider the social and political impact of humor, as well as its various forms, including: satire, parody, absurdism, and observational humor. The course will consider contemporary texts as well as each text's social and historical context in various literary genres. Analytical, expository and creative writing are emphasized, as well as reading and discussion.
Madness in Literature: Offered at the CP or Honors level, this semester course is paired with Comedy in Literature. It explores the human psyche through a wide range of literature, including fiction, memoir, poetry, film and current events. Students will research an assigned mental disorder and use this research as a “diagnostic tool” as a basis for character study. The course will also examine “madness” in the context of writing style through close readings of nonlinear tests and poetry.
English 12 CP as Senior Topics II:
Alternative Literature will explore graphic novel (comic books), memoir, science fiction, and literary adaptation alongside more traditional text with the goal to help students to understand the importance of both alternative forms of literature as well as develop a greater understanding of the styles of literature available in the modern literary canon and how they can create a difference in understanding the society in which they exist.
English 12 CP as Senior Topics III:
Mythology: This CP semester course is paired with The Law in Literature and Film. Mythology is designed to explore the mythological elements in all of man’s history. Cultural heroes and folklore from a variety of civilizations including Greek, Egyptian and Norse will be introduced. The students will study comparisons of different societies and draw parallels to the historical times and contexts in which they were written. Students will read, analyze, and respond to various texts as well as produce academic papers and creative projects.
The Law in Literature and Film: This CP semester course is paired with Mythology. It explores the representation of the legal system in literature and film. Students will grapple with fundamental issues of the human condition. They will also consider how popular literature and film manipulate the public’s interpretation of the law. By exploring literature and film that focuses on the law, this course aims to introduce students to important aspects of our legal system and encourage them to formulate opinions about essential questions regarding human rights.
English Department Electives are described in this document.
Gary Pankiewicz, PhD
K-12 District Supervisor of English Language Arts