Class Council - Freshmen
Welcome to Fair Lawn High School Class of 2028!
We are excited to have you here with us and we encourage you to get involved with your class!
What's New?
Join us for our FIRST interest meeting of the school year on September 10th at 2:45pm in C204.
What is Freshman Class Council?
Freshman Class Council is the voice of your class! In the past, we have organized fundraisers, host bake sales, organize major events like the Freshman Class Dance and Game Night along with the Freshman Class Trip.
Do you have interesting ideas? Do you want to make a change in your grade? Are you interested in being a class officer? Do you want to have fun with your friends while working towards making your class the best it can be? Then Freshman Class Council is for you!
Freshman Class Council is open to ALL freshmen! You DID NOT have to be involved in class council or student government in middle school to be eligible - this is a fresh start for all!
Meetings are always Tuesdays after school at 2:45 pm in room C204.
If you are interested in getting involved, stop by C204 after school on Tuesdays or contact Ms. Cernadas.
To be determined...
If interested in becoming an officer, attend our first meeting!