Freshman Class Council Elections

Meet your Candidates!



Ezra Fineman

Hello Cutters! My name is Ezra Fineman and I am running for Freshman Class Council President. I had prior leadership roles as the 7th Grade Vice President and the 8th grade President at TJ, and I can’t wait to contribute here at FLHS. I know what it takes to advocate for change, and I will use that experience to give everyone in the Freshman Class a voice. I will ensure no one is left behind and will listen to anyone who would like to contribute. We are new to the school and this is our chance to set the tone for the years to come. I will push for more class wide events and try my absolute best to improve the student experience. If I am elected President of the Freshman Class Council our voice will be louder than ever! So remember to vote Ez for Prez!


Adiv Rahman

Hello FLHS student. It is such an exciting time to be a member of our community. There are so many things you can do. First of all, I want to say that I am grateful for all the support, and kindness you gave me. It is my duty to give back everything you gave me. I will strive to give representation in the student council to you, freshman. Unfortunately after elections, You don’t know what the freshman council does. There are people in the freshman council, who you don’t know, making all the decisions without you knowing. To fix this problem, we can send a non-graded google form(optional) for you to vote on something. Also, you can ask questions. This will enable you to make important decisions with us. Vote Adiv to Believe.

Vice President

Juhi Pandit

Hello everyone, I am Juhi Pandit, and am running for the Freshman Vice President. We freshmen are new to FLHS, and we are finding our way around the school. I want to make it as easy and fun as possible to transition into this schedule. I have experience leading in student government and would be a perfect fit to be your Vice President. As your VP, I will try my best to connect our students and our teachers to make a connection that will make everything more efficient. Most of us know that we go on a field trip at the end of the year, and the student council helps decide where we go. I will try my hardest to get us to somewhere fun, (possibly Six Flags!) and to have a great time. So, vote for Juhi P as your VP. 

Allen Pesin

I know what you're thinking, why should I listen to this person? Well, my name is Allen Pesin and I am a 9th grader at Fair Lawn High School who is running for Freshman Class Vice President.  I want to start off by saying that this is not my first year running for a position like this. Last year, at Thomas Jefferson Middle School, I was the Student Body Vice President. Because one of my main jobs will be to coordinate publicity for class events, I feel like I will be perfect for this. I will guarantee you that if I am voted upon as vice president, I already know the other, amazing people running for president.  I want to thank you for reading this and I am not asking for you to vote AL for Vice Pal, but at least consider it.


Mia Kravtsov

My name is Mia Kravtsov and I am running to be your Secretary in the Freshmen Student Council. As Secretary, I am committed to keeping you informed about student council activities, events, and any updates that directly impact our student body. One thing you should know is that I am dedicated to everything I set my mind to. I am always up for a challenge and I am aware that this role is going to come with some, but I also happen to be a keen problem solver and won’t let that get in my way.

A little about me - I am an honor roll student,  a competitive dancer, and I regularly volunteer at the local library, senior citizen center and as a counselor at a summer camp.  I am dependable and trustworthy.  Elect me as your Secretary and together we can make our high school experience fun and memorable. 

Mia Wang

My name is Mia Wang, I’m a freshman, and I’m running for Secretary for the Freshman Class Council. I’m a good candidate for this position because I’m an organized team player who never lets her team down. Last year in eighth grade, I was one of the stage crew members of our school show “Beauty and the Beast”. I worked as part of a big team to put on a successful show, and I will bring that experience to this job so we can have an amazing first year of high school.



Olivia Medici

Hello, my name is Olivia Medici. I am currently a freshman at Fair Lawn High School. I am thrilled to run for publicist!

It has been a long-term goal of mine to support my school and demonstrate my respect for it. Now, at Fair Lawn High School, students will stay up-to-date with everything and anything important. I will complete this goal by remaining consistent and posting informative flyers across the school for game nights, interest meetings, and so on. 

I also have experience being a leader in the Yearbook club, a team player in tennis, a role model in Peers for Peace, and a winner of a Humanitarian Award at Thomas Jefferson Middle School. All four achievements/extracurriculars have shaped me into the person I am, and I am determined to run this year. If you want someone strong-willed, enthusiastic, and a go-getter then I am the candidate for you!

Jessica Carver

Hello, my name is Jessica Carver and I am honored to be running for Freshman Class Council Publicist. Throughout my life leading up to high school, I’ve been involved in many organizations, sports, and clubs. From these activities, I’ve realized the importance of working together and giving your all in order to achieve the desired outcome. This brings me to my goal as Publicist: to become as involved as possible to make our freshman year unforgettable. I believe I possess many helpful qualities such as leadership, organization, and creativity that help me to be a great fit for Publicist.


Julian Lisboa

My name is Julian Lisboa and I am running for freshman class treasurer of the 2023-2024 year. As someone who has handled fundraising and budgeting before I know the value of the dollar but more importantly I know how to use money to benefit our school and how to get us the funding we need for our freshman activities and to have fun in our first year of high school.


Ryland Caringer

My name is Ryland Caringer. I am in 9th grade, and I am going for freshman Treasurer. Ever since I was little, I have wanted to be an accountant. To this day I still want to go to college for accounting or finance. Now you see why this job matters so much to me. As Treasurer there are many things I want to change and things you want to change too. So, with me in charge I will do my very best to get these things to a reality. We must be here for four years so why not change for the better now so we can have the rest of the years for fun and enjoyment. Some things I want to change are different desserts, other types of drinks, and more vending machines. If you want the best four years at Fair Lawn then vote Ryland Caringer for Treasurer.